Saturday, 23 February 2013


Hey there.

Apologies for the less to no amount of updates today, but just like the "news sections out there",
unfortunately, I myself have also been / am kinda empty.
And when it comes to those "news", it pretty much has been the same old crap, anyways.
Tbh, I'm kinda tired of it.
So while (of course) I will still be on the hunt for exposing that evil crap,
I think I'll give it a try and maybe figure out a way, on how to put more focus on more
positive stuff in the near future. Well, if I can manage find some, that is... ;)

Hopefully, I'll be back in shape tomorrow.
Take care - and please try to remind yourselves:

Y'all won't get up hella early in the morning, just to make sure to be the first ones who'll be able to buy broken crap on some giant flea market. You'll be on the hunt for nice things, bargains, classy stuff.
Now when it comes to your "daily news", why would you want to act the opposite way ?
So. Heads up and search real truth...and not the 98346319756th one-eyed pyramid pentagram crap.

John 8:32
“And you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free.”

The question y'all should be askin' yourselves now:
Which truth is he talkin' about ? What exactly is THE truth ?
Lemme give y'all one hint:
You're a human ?
Then let me assure you - regarding your own self and your personal point of view,
that truth is definitely NOT subjective ! ;P

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